For the inimitable 'Lumpy'
In that elemental, autonomous way of birds
Each instance of visitation, near but not too near
Exemplifies a carefully measured contribution
Towards human enchantment.
Had I been more thoughtful,
His name might have reflected the
Undeniable dignity that accompanies him;
Counterpoint to an unruly arrangement
Of head feathers; the distinctive attribute that
Lends a sometimes proud, sometimes wretched
But always surprisingly charming quality to
His appearance and inspired debate about
The handing down of physical traits from parent
To progeny and finally, the pursuit of information
Regarding the expected lifespan of blackbirds.
October 2004
On occasion, particular poems seem to 'arrive'; more a gift than the product of creativity. It was certainly the case with this piece.
Footnote: Happily, the quest for information about the expected lifespan of blackbirds was successful.