Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Eels and all that

All around her tiny green, red and orange lights
where things are in sleep mode and standby mode.
The house is a city full of traffic
needing to be told when to stop and go.

Excerpt from Kate Camp's(NZ) poem The Insomniac Learns A Lot
Photograph of Derek March by Liz March


Blogger jacqueline b said...

I wouldn't mind seeing the whole of that painting...
It evokes a memory of visiting the March house with you many, many years ago.

Living in a house with a few other people can really feel like that poem. It makes me realise how I coordinate my activities according to cues from other people who live here, especially in the peak times.

10:43 am  
Blogger pohanginapete said...

That painting looks marvellous. Interesting that Liz should have chosen to photograph it in B&W. I like the way Derek's hand reaches up to form that arc with the eel.

8:00 pm  
Blogger Adagio said...

Retrospectively, I am aware of just how crazy it was to combine the photograph and the poetry. Totally unrelated to each other! I wanted them both, but the timing wasn't great. Oh well. Your comparison with a house full of people was an interesting association Jacq. I had completely forgotten you had been to Liz and Derek's with me. In relation to your comment about the choice of B and W Pete, I know that the painting itself is black-and-white so that may have been a motivating factor. And yes, I have to agree, the painting does indeed look marvellous. Although, I have not met it face-to-face.

11:35 am  
Blogger jacqueline b said...

that's interesting that you don't see the text and pic going together. The painting seems quite busy to me...I looked at the rivers as roads and the eels as traffic - shows how impressionable i am.

3:24 pm  

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